Flying back from Seattle ---
So after getting our prototypes made and photographed - I took a little flight out west to Seattle.
The feedback was really positive - and hopefully will lead to a distribution deal!
So....... some of us here at BoxiToyz have a background in the non-profit world.
We just had a call with a worldwide organization that helps children. We won't say too much at this very early stage, but lets just say a lot of different options were discussed and all of them really motivate and excite us!
Could we change the world one box at a time? It's possible...
Imagine if you have more than 1 child? maybe as many as three - - 'I'd need a whole squadron of BoxiToyz Air-Wa-Plane's - I hear you cry!
What a good idea - and that's what we are working on....
3 different color Air-Wa-Planes for a complete BoxiToyz squadron!
Working hard to get ready for meeting with distributors who have already shown interest in BoxiToyz!