After 2 years of dreaming about providing parents with the gift pre-schoolers actually want - a real version 1 Choo-Choo Train is ready to be seen!
Many thanks to Nicolas for all his hard work! We'll be refining things a little more over the upcoming days - - but this is an amazing start! GO BOXITOYZ ! ! ! Really excited to say we have a meeting today with our new designer - who'll be helping to get our prototype into a format that the printers can use to roll out our first line of products!
It's pretty scary to commit to doing this - money does not grow on trees, (but trees are more important than money) - so all in all - you gotta take the leap at some point! Keep your eyees peeled - we'll be introducing you to him soon enough! My 11 year old get's creative with our iPad, it's not ALL about the BoxiToyz dream in our house (nearly - but not always!)
Thinking about a RetroRocket BoxiToyz design - - - great for the next generation of space explorers . . .
1st rough design for a BoxiToyz Airplane...
The following quote is taken from an article written by Shirley Wang, published by the Wall Street Journal -
"For years, imagination was thought of as a way for children to escape from reality, and once they reached a certain age, it was believed they would push fantasy aside and deal with the real world. But, increasingly, child-development experts are recognizing the importance of imagination and the role it plays in understanding reality. Imagination is necessary for learning about people and events we don’t directly experience, such as history or events on the other side of the world. For young kids, it allows them to ponder the future, such as what they want to do when they grow up" Today I decided to stop dreaming and make a dream come true ...
After yet again coming home and giving in to demands of 'Can I PLEEEEEEZE watch TV' - I'm committing to launching BoxiToyz. Watch this space . . . |